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Name: Astasia WIlliams 

No. #7

Position: Sports Reporter




Journalist. Social Media connoisseur. A recovering Sneaker Head.

 I am proud to say that my home state is known for LSU Football, Crawfish and Rasin' Canes. (Yes, the Chicken Tenders are pretty AMAZING)

I was born and raised in Baton Rouge. I was adopted by New Orleans. Now i'm taking a pit stop in the Windy City to pursue my Masters of Science in Journalism at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Sports is in my blood. Literally. Being a coach's daughter,  well.... Let's just say I learned about the I-Formation and how to do a pick and roll before I learned my alphabets. I am a very hard worker and will go over and beyond to get that story. I believe I was born to be on the Sideline.  There's no better feeling than seeing a high school senior possibly play his last football game and pour everything he has on the field. This is what I want to do. I want to use my passion for sports and strengths in journalism to tell touching stories within sports. 

I am a member of many organizations in and out of school. The Medill Leadership Council, National Association of Black Journalists, Association for Women in Sports Media, and the U.S. Basketball Writers Association are just a few to name. By being involved in these leadership positions I have obtained the perfect leadership skills and the ability to work in a team oriented environment like working in a newsroom.

I knew I wanted to be a Sports Journalist since my Junior Year of High School. Since, I have had an internship every summer.  Through my internships I have learned to write efficiently, shoot and edit my own stories. 


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